Other Software
RSM2EOBF v1.00
- RSM.OVL to use the Interface's EXTOBFIX.PRGs in the RSM
- First version tested only with RSM v3.01
ICO.GVL v1.20
- GEM-View load module for ICO icons from MS Windows
- Supports 2, 8, 16, 256 color icons
- Better support for 2 and 16 masks
- Windows mouse cursours (.CUR) files load ability
- GEM-View load module for 8bit Kola Microillustrator images
- Supports all unpacked, horizontally and vertically packed files
- Automatically convert size of image from 160x192 to 320x192 due to pixel shape
POFO.GV[LS] v1.00
- GEM-View Portfolio graphics load & save modules
- Supports both pfg and pfc files
© 2002 by JAY Software