
Some documentation

oThe Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium ST-Guide HYPertext was not canceled but only distribution was stopped because of copyright. We are still updating the HYP file just for our use. Scott Sanders, however, didn't allow us to publish any version of the HYPertext.
So we are sorry, but the whole work must stay private.
o External DSP clock for Falcon030
How to build an external 44.1kHz (48kHz) clock for Falcon030's DSP
oThe DSP documentation
The DSP 56001 Documentation ST-Guide HYPertext
oFolDoc v1.1
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (ST-Guide HYPertext zip archive)
Calamus Vector Graphics format description
o Atari FTPs

oATARI ST Picture Format
ST-Guide hypertext

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